Odd Finds: Seeing-Eye Horses

Seeing-eye horse

I admit that I’m often behind the times. Apparently seeing-eye horses have been in the news several times over the last couple of years, but I–along with most of America–must have missed the CBS Early Show story and the Family Circle article. I just get can’t over the weirdness of the whole thing. It smacks of an April Fool’s joke, but the photographic evidence is irrefutable…

Yes, that’s a blind dude being led around by a miniature horse. Of course far be it from me to ask why one would use a horse as apposed to, say, a dog, but that’s probably the same reason I watch my 401k spiral down the drain month after month. Luckily for me there is a site that answers all my silly questions, including why the horses wear sneakers.

I was about to start my seeing-eye elephant business. Those mini-pachyderms are not only smart and clean, but always remember where you left your keys.