I Still Own a Lot of CDs

by mr. hipster
CD Collection
CD Collection

If you are a person of a certain age, you bought a lot of CDs. You bought them new. And then, when the market was really saturated, you bought them used. And then, if you’re like me, you worked at record labels and excitedly sorted through the promo dudes’ piles of CDs they threw outside their offices. Sometimes you found stuff you actually wanted. But most of the time you ended up with the new Britney or Nickelback album. Or the fucking Space Monkeys.

That all said, I used to have several giant furniture-like CD towers that I bought at Gothic Cabinet Craft in NYC in the 90s. Eventually streaming came along and the behemoths in our living room had to go. But unlike most normal people who just trashed their collections, I held onto most of mine, putting the books and CDs in sleeves and storing them for good keeping on top of a shelf. Because I have issues.

Here’s a pretty complete list of that collection, along with some CDs that entered the frame from Ms. Hipster’s side. With links to any albums that I’ve actually reviewed on this site. Some of these are embarrassing, but I’m a completist. Just know that the ones you suspect I got for free in discard piles or cabinets at the places I worked — Capitol, Interscope, Island Def Jam & Sony Music — I definitely got for free in discard piles at one of those record companies. Blues Traveler, though… Those I bought.

12 RodsSplit Personalities
2 In a RoomWiggle It
2 Live JewsAs Kosher As They Want to Be
24-7 Spyz!This Is… 24-7 Spyz!
2AM ClubWhat Did You Think Was Going to Happen?
2Pac2Pacalypse Now
2PacMe Against the World
31 KnotsTalk Like Blood
3DsFish Tales/Swarthy Songs From Swabs
3DsStrange News From the Angels
3rd BassThe Cactus Album
50 CentGet Rich or Die Tryin’
764-HeroGet Here and Stay
764-HeroNobody Knows This Is Everywhere
764-HeroSalt Sinks & Sugar Floats
764-HeroWeekends of Sound
ActionslacksThe Scene’s Out of Sight
Adams, BrianUnplugged
Aesop RockBazooka Tooth
Aesop RockLabor Days
Airborne Toxic Event, TheThe Airborne Toxic Event
Airport 5Tower In the Fountain of Sparks
Alice In ChainsAlice In Chains
Alice In ChainsDirt
Alice In ChainsAlice In Chains
Alice In ChainsDirt
Alice In ChainsJar of Flies
Alice In ChainsSAP
Alkaholiks, Tha21 & Over
Alkaline TrioAlkaline Trio
Alkaline TrioFrom Here to Infirmary
Alkaline TrioGoddamnit!
Alkaline TrioGood Mourning
Alkaline TrioMaybe I’ll Catch Fire
American FootballAmerican Football
American Hi-FiAmerican Hi-Fi
American Hi-FiThe Art of Losing
American Music ClubEverclear
Amos, ToriLittle Earthquakes
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of DeadAnd You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of DeadMadonna
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of DeadSource Tags & Codes
And You Will Know Us By the Trail of DeadThe Secret of Elena’s Tomb
Anniversary, TheDesigning a Nervous Breakdown
Anniversary, TheYour Majesty
AnthraxAttack of the Killer B’s
Anti-FlagFor Blood and Empire
Apes, TheOddeyesee
Apes, TheThe Fugue in the Fog
Apples in Stereo, TheHer Wallpaper Reverie
Apples in Stereo, TheThe Fun Trick Noisemaker
Apples in Stereo, TheTone Soul Evolution
Appleseed Cast, TheThe End of the Ring Wars
ApsciBest Crisis Ever
AqueductI Sold Gold
Arcade FireFuneral
Archers of LoafAll the Nations Airports
Archers of LoafIcky Mettle
Archers of LoafThe Speed of Cattle
Archers of LoafVee Vee
Archers of LoafVs the Greatest of All Time
Archers of LoafWhite Trash Heroes
Archuleta, DavidThe Other Side of Down
Armstrong, LouisGreatest Hits
Arrested Development3 Years, 5 Months and 2 Days in the Life Of…
Art BrutBang Bang Rock and Roll
Artificial Joy ClubMelt
AshFree All Angels
At the Drive-InIn Casino Out
At the Drive-InRelationship of Command
At the Drive-InVaya
Autopilot OffAutopilot Off
Autopilot OffMake a Sound
Azure RayAzure Ray
Baby ChaosLove Your Self Abuse
Bad AstronautAcrophobe
Bad BrainsThe Youth Are Getting Restless
Bad ReligionGenerator
Bad ReligionRecipe for Hate
Bad ReligionStranger than Fiction
Badly Drawn BoyThe Hour of Bewilderbeast
Baerwald, DavidHere Comes the New Folk Underground
Bailter SpaceSolar.3
Bareilles, SaraCareful Confessions
Barry BlackBarry Black
BaseheadPlay With Toys
Beach Boys, ThePet Sounds
Beastie BoysCheck Your Head
Beastie BoysHello Nasty
Beastie BoysIll Communication
Beastie BoysLicensed to Ill
Beastie BoysPaul’s Boutique
Beastie BoysTo the 5 Boroughs
Beatles, The1962-1966
Beatles, The1967-1970
Beatnuts, TheIntoxicated Demons
BeckMellow Gold
BeckMidnight Vultures
BeckOne Foot in the Grave
BeckSea Change
BeckStereopathetic Soulmanure
Belle and SebastianFold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant
Belle and SebastianIf You’re Feeling Sinister
Belle and SebastianThe Boy With the Arab Strap
Belle and SebastianTigermilk
Ben Folds FiveWhatever and Ever Amen
Benson, BrendanLapalco
BeulahHandsome Western States
BeulahThe Coast Is Never Clear
BeulahWhen Your Heartstrings Break
Big Audio DynamiteThis Is Big Audio Dynamite
Big Audio DynamiteNo. 10, Upping St.
Big Daddy KaneTaste of Chocolate
Big PunThe Legacy: The Best of Big Pun
Big Star#1 Record
Big StarRadio City
Big Time RushBig Time Rush
Big WreckIn Loving Memory Of…
Bitch MagnetStar Booty
Bitch MagnetUmber
Black 47Black 47
Black Crowes, TheShake Your Money Maker
Black Eyed PeasElephunk
Black Keys, TheRubber Factory
Black Keys, TheThickfreakness
Black KidsPartie Traumatic
Black SheepA Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing
BlackaliciousBlazing Arrow
BlackaliciousThe Craft
Blake BabiesInnocence and Experience
Blink-182Enema of the State
Bloc PartyA Weekend In the City
Bloc PartySilent Alarm Remixed
BlondieThe Best of Blondie
Blood of AbrahamFuture Profits
Blue Öyster CultExtended Versions: The Encore Collection
Blues TravelerSave His Soul
Blues TravelerBlues Traveler
Blues TravelerTravelers & Thieves
Bon JoviBounce
Bon JoviThis Left Feels Right
Bonnie Prince BillyI See Darkness
Boogie Down ProductionsLive Hardcore Worldwide
Bootsy’s Rubber BandJungle Bass
Bowie, DavidChangesbowie
Bowie, DavidEarthling
Bowie, DavidHours
Bracket4-Wheel Vibe
Bracket924 Forestville St.
BradWelcome to Discovery Park
BraidMovie Music, Vol. 1
BraidFrame & Canvas
BraidThe Age of Octeen
Brand New Heavies, TheThe Brand New Heavies
Brand New Heavies, TheHeavy Rhyme
Brand NubianOne For All
Brand NubianIn God We Trust
Breeders, ThePod
British Sea PowerThe Decline of British Sea Power
Broken BellsMeyrin Fields EP
Broken Social SceneYou Forgot It In People
Broussard, MarcCarencro
Brown, ChrisF.A.M.E.
Brown, JacksonLawyers In Love
Brown, JamesStar Time
Budden, JoeJoe Budden
Built to SpillKeep It Like a Secret
Built to SpillPerfect From Now On
Built to SpillAncient Melodies of the Future
Built to SpillThere’s Nothing Wrong With Love
Built to SpillThe Normal Years
Built to SpillUltimate Alternative Wavers
Built to Spill Caustic ResinBuilt to Spill Caustic Resin
Bumblebeez 81Printz
Burning AirlinesIdentikit
Burning AirlinesMission: Control!
BusdriverFear of a Black Tangent
Bush6teen Stone
BushRazorblade Suitcase
Cages, TheHometown
CakeFashion Nugget
CakeComfort Eagle
CakeProlonging the Magic
CakeMotorcade of Generosity
Cam’RonCome Home With Me
Campfire GirlsMood Enhancer EP
Candy Skins, TheFun?
Cantrell, JerryDegradation Trip
Cap’n JazzAnalphabetapolothology
Carey, MariahCharmbracelet
Cars, TheHeartbeat City
Casablancas, JulianPhrazes for the Young
Cash, JohnnyAmerican IV: The Man Comes Around
Cat PowerWhat Would the Community Think
Cat PowerMoon Pix
Cat PowerYou Are Free
Caustic ResinFly Me to the Moon
Centro-MaticAll the Falsest Hearts Can Try
Centro-MaticLove You Just the Same
ChavezRide the Fader
ChavezGone Glimmering
Cheap TrickDream Police
Cheap TrickLap of Luxury
Chemical Brothers, TheDig Your Own Hole
ChevelleAny Last Words
Childish GambinoCamp
Chisel8 a.m. All Day
ChiselSet Your Free
Chubb RockThe One
CiaraFantasy Ride
CIVSet Your Goals
CKYVolume 1
Clap Your Hands Say YeahClap Your Hands Say Yeah
Clarkson, KellyAll I Ever Wanted
Clarkson, KellyStronger
Clash, TheThe Clash
Clash, TheCombat Rock
Clash, TheGive ‘Em Enough Rope
Clash, TheLondon Calling
Clash, TheThe Singles
Claw HammerHold Your Tongue (And Say Apple)
Clem SnideThe Ghost of Fashion
ClinicInternal Wrangler
Clinton, GeorgeThe Best of George Clinton
ClipseTil The Casket Drops
Coheed and CambriaYear of the Black Rainbow
ColdcutWhat’s That Noise?
ColdplayA Rush of Blood to the Head
Cole, J.Cole World: The Sideline Story
Collins, PhilHello, I Must Be Going
Coltrane, JohnBlue Train
CometChandelier Musings
CommonElectric Circus
Common SenseCan I Borrow a Dollar?
Compound RedAlways a Pleasure
Concrete BlondeBloodletting
ConstantinesTournament of Hearts
ConstantinesShine a Light
Cook, DavidThis Loud Morning
Coral, TheMagic & Medicine
Cornell, ChrisEuphoria Morning
CornershopWhen I Was Born for the 7th Time
Costa, MattUnfamiliar Facts
Costello, ElvisNorth
Costello, ElvisWhen I Was Cruel
Costello, Elvis & the AttractionsArmed Forces
Costello, Elvis & the AttractionsTrust
Costello, Elvis & the AttractionsThis Year’s Model
Costello, Elvis & the AttractionsThe Very Best of Elvis Costello and the Attractions
Costello, Elvis & the ImpostersThe Delivery Man
Criminal Element OrchestraLocked Up
Croce, JimHis Greatest Hits
Crooked FingersCrooked Fingers
Crooked FingersBring On the Snakes
Crosby, Stills, Nash & YoungSo Far
Crowley, KacyAnchorless
Cult, TheLove
Cult, TheElectric
Cure, TheStaring at the Sea – The Singles
CursiveThe Ugly Organ
CursiveThe Storms of Early Summer: Semantics of Song
CursiveBurst and Bloom
CursiveCursive’s Domestica
CursiveSuch Blinding Stars for Starving Eyes
CursiveHappy Hallow
CurveCome Clean
Cyrpress HillTill Death Do Us Part
Cyrpress HillCyrpress Hill
Cyrpress HillBlack Sunday
Daddy FreddyStress
Danger DoomThe Mouse and the Mask
Danger Mouse & JeminiGhetto Pop Life
Darcys, TheThe Darcys
Das EFXDead Serious
Das EFXStraight Up Sewaside
Dashboard ConfessionalThe Places You Had Come to Fear the Most
Dashboard ConfessionalSwiss Army Romance
Dashboard ConfessionalThe Drowning EP
Dashboard ConfessionalSo Impossible EP
Datsuns, TheThe Datsuns
Davis, JohnBlue Mountains
Davis, MilesKind of Blue
Davis, MilesBitches Brew
Day, HowieStop All the World Now
Days of the NewDays of the New, Vol. 2
De La SoulBuhloone Mind State
De La SoulDe La Soul Is Dead
De La SoulThe Grind Date
De La Soul3 Feet High and Rising
De La SoulStakes Is High
Dead ConfederateSugar
Death Cab for CutieWe Have the Facts and We’re Voting Yes
Death Cab for CutieSomething About Airplanes
Death Cab for CutiePhoto Album
Death Cab for CutieForbidden Love EP
Death Cab for CutieTransatlanticism
Death Cab for CutiePlans
Decemberists, TheHer Majesty The Decemberists
Decemberists, ThePicaresque
Decemberists, TheThe Tain
Decemberists, TheCastaways and Cutouts
Decemberists, TheThe Crane Wife
Decemberists, TheFive Sings EP
Deee-LiteWorld Clique
Def LeppardPyromania
Del The Funky HomosapienBoth Sides of the Brain
Del The Funky HomosapienFuture Development
DescendentsHypercaffium Spazzinate
Detachment Kit, TheOf This Blood
Detachment Kit, TheThey Raging Quiet Army
Detroit Cobras, TheLove, Life and Leaving
Detroit Cobras, TheMink Rat or Rabbit
DeVaughn, RaheemThe Love Experience
Die TryingDie Trying
Digable PlanetsReachin’ (a New Refutiation of Time and Space)
Digital UndergroundSons of the P
Dilated PeoplesThe Platform
Dilated PeoplesExpansion Team
Dilated PeoplesThe Platform
Dinosuar Jr.Dinosaur
Dinosuar Jr.Quest
Dinosuar Jr.Whatever’s Cool With Me
Dinosuar Jr.Where You Been
Dinosuar Jr.You’re Living All Over Me
Dinosuar Jr.Without a Sound
Dinosuar Jr.Green Mind
Diplomats, TheDiplomatic Immunity
Dirt BikesThis Shit’s For Sale
Dismemberment Plan, TheThe Dismemberment Plan Is Terrified
Dismemberment Plan, The!
Dismemberment Plan, TheChange
Dismemberment Plan, TheEmergency & I
Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, TheHypocrisy Is the Greatest Luxury
Disturbing Tha PeaceGolden Grain
Dizzee RascalBoy in da Corner
Dizzee RascalShowtime
DJ ShadowEndtroducing…..
Dobson, FefeFefe Dobson
Does It Offend You, Yeah?You Have No Idea What You’re Getting Yourself Into
Doors, TheL.A. Woman
Doughty, MikeThe Heart Watches While The Brain Burns
Down By LawPunkrockacademyfightsong
Downtown ScienceDowntown Science
Dr. DoomFirst Come, First Served
Dr. DreThe Chronic
Dr. DreDr. Dre Presents… The Aftermath
Dr. OctagonDr. Octagonecologyst
Dr. OctagonInstrumentalyst
Dread ZeppelinIt’s Not Unusual
Drive Like JehuYank Crime
Drive-By TruckersSouthern Rock Opera
Dru HillDru World Order
Duran DuranRio
Duran DuranRed Carpet Massacre
Dylan, JakobWomen and Country
Dylan, JakobSeeing Things
Eagles of Death MetalDeath by Sexy
EdanBeauty and the Beat
EdanPrimitive Plus
Eder, LindaNow
Edie Brickell & New BohemiansShooting Rubberbands at the Stars
Edie Brickell & New BohemiansGhost of a Dog
EditorsIn This Light and On This Evening
ElliottFalse Cathedrals
ElliottU.S. Songs
ElliottIf They Do EP
Elliott, MissyThis Is Not a Test!
EminemThe Eminem Show
EminemThe Marshall Mathers LP
Engine 88Snowman
Engine DownUnder the Pretense of the Present Tense
English Beat, TheBeat This!
Enigk, JeremyReturn of the Frog Queen
EnigmaMCMXC A.D.
EnonHigh Society
Eric B. & RakimDon’t Sweat the Technique
Eric B. & RakimPaid In Full
Eric B. & RakimLet the Rhythm Hit ‘Em
Essex Green, TheEverything Is Green
Etheridge, MelissaYes I Am
Etheridge, MelissaEtheridge, Melissa
Etheridge, MelissaSkin
Evancho, JackieDream With Me
Eve 6Eve 6
Eve 6It’s All In Your Head
EverclearSongs from an American Movie, Vol. 1: Learning How to Smile
EverclearSparkle and Fade
EverlastWhite Trash Beautiful
Everyday PeopleYou Wash… I’ll Dry
Exies, TheInertia
Exploding Hearts, TheGuitar Romantic
Eye & IEye & I
Face to FaceDon’t Turn Away
Face to FaceOver It.
Face to FaceBig Choice
Faint, TheDanse Macabre
Faint, TheWet From Birth
Faint, TheBlank-Wave Arcade
Faith No MoreAngel Dust
Fall Out BoyTake This to Your Grave
FaraquetThe View From This Tower
Fig DishWhen Shove Goes Back to Push
Fig, 4Fig, 4
Figgs, TheBanda Macho
FirehoseFlyin’ the Flannel
FirehoseRagin’ Full On
FirehoseMr. Machinery Operator
FirehoseLive Totem Pole EP
FirewaterPonzi Scheme
Firm, TheThe Album
FishboneFishbone 101: Nuttasaurusmeg Fossil Fuelin’ the Fonkay
FishboneBonin’ In the Boneyard EP
Flaming Lips, TheThe Soft Bulletin
Flaming Lips, TheTransmission From the Satellite Heart
Flaming Lips, TheYoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
Flaming Lips, TheAt War With the Mystics
Fleetwood MacGreatest Hits
FlickerstickWelcoming Home the Astronauts
Folds, BenLonely Avenue
Folk Implosion, TheTake a Look Inside… The Folk Implosion
Folk Implosion, TheOne Part Lullaby
Folk Implosion, TheFolk Implosion EP
Folk Implosion, TheDare to Be Surprised
Follow for NowFollow for Now
Foo FightersThere Is Nothing Left to Lose
Foo FightersFoo Fighters
Foo FightersThe Colour and the Shape
Foo FightersEchoes, Silence, Patience & Grace
Foo FightersGreatest Hits
Foster the PeopleTorches
Fountains of WayneWelcome to the Interstate Managers
Four VoltsTriple Your Work Force
Frank BlackFrank Black
Frank BlackTeenager of the Year
Frank Black and the CatholicsDog In the Sand
Frank Black and the CatholicsShow Me Your Tears
Franz FerdinandFranz Ferdinand
Franz FerdinandYou Could Have It So Much Better…
Franz FerdinandTonight: Franz Ferdinand
Fray, TheHow to Save a Life
Freestyle FellowshipInnercity Griots
FreewayPhiladelphia Freeway
French KicksYoung Lawyer
French KicksOne Time Bells
FugaziRed Medicine
FugaziIn On the Kill Taker
FugeesThe Score
Funeral PartyThe Golden Age of Knowhere
FunkadelicStanding On the Verge of Getting It On
FunkadelicAmerica Eats Its Young
FunkadelicCosmic Slop
FunkadelicMaggot Brain
FunkadelicFree Your Mind…
FunkdoobiestWhich Doobie U B?
FurtherGrip Tape
Future Sound, TheThe Whole Shabang, Volume 1
G. Love and Special SauceCoast to Coast Motel
G. Love and Special SauceG. Love and Special Sauce
Gabriel, PeterUs
Gabriel, PeterPlays Live
Gabriel, PeterShaking the Tree
Gabriel, PeterSecurity
Gabriel, PeterGabriel, Peter
Gabriel, PeterSo
Gang StarrStep In the Arena
Gang StarrThe Ownerz
Gang StarrDaily Operation
GarbageVersion 2.0
GenesisThree Sides Live
GenesisWind & Wuthering
GenesisA Trick of the Tail
GenesisNursery Cryme
GenesisThe Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Genesis…And Then There Were Three…
GenesisSelling England By the Pound
Geraldine Fibbers, TheLost Somewhere Between the Earth and My Home
Gerbils, TheAre You Sleepy?
Get Up Kids, TheFour Minute Mile
Get Up Kids, TheEudora
Get Up Kids, TheSomething to Write Home About
GhostfaceThe Pretty Toney Album
Ghostface KillahFishscale
Ghostface KillahThe Big Doe Rehab
Girls Against BoysYou Can’t Fight What You Can’t See
Glands, TheThe Glands
Gnarls BarkleySt. Elsewhere
Go GosGreatest Hits
Go! Team, TheThunder, Lightning, Strike
God Lives UnderwaterLife In the So-Called Space Age
Gogogo AirheartLove My Life… Hate My Friends
Gogogo AirheartGogogo Airheart
Gogogo AirheartExitheuxa
GoldfingerFoot In Mouth
GomezLiquid Skin
Good Life, TheNovena On a Nocturn
Good Life, TheAlbum of the Year
Good Life, TheAlbum of the Year (Acoustic Demos)
Goops, TheLucky
Gossard, StoneBayleaf
GradeUnder the Radar
Grand PubaReel to Reel
GrandaddyThe Sophtware Slump
GrandaddyUnder the Western Freeway
GrandaddyConcrete Dunes
Grateful DeadSkeletons From the Closet
Gravediggas6 Feet Deep
Great Lake SwimmersThe Legion Sessions
Great Lake SwimmersOngiara
Great LakesGreat Lakes
Green DayInsomniac
Green DayNimrod
Green DayKerplunk
Green DayDookie
Green Day1,039/Smoothed Out Sloppy Hours
Green RiverCome On Down
GreenwheelSoma Holiday
Grifters, TheCrappin’ You Negative
Grifters, TheOne Sock Missing
Grifters, TheFull Blown Possession
Grifters, TheAin’t My Lookout
Grifters, TheSo Happy Together
Grimm, MichaelMichael Grimm
Guided By VoicesVampire On Titus
Guided By VoicesIsolation Drills
Guided By VoicesAlien Lanes
Guided By VoicesBee Thousand
Guided By VoicesPropeller
Guided By VoicesHalf Smiles of the Decomposed
Guided By VoicesDo the Collapse
Guided By VoicesMag Earwhig!
Guided By VoicesEarthquake Glue
Guided By VoicesUnder the Bushes Under the Stars
Guided By VoicesUniversal Truths and Cycles
Guitar WolfJet Generation
GumballWisconsin Hayride
GumballSuper Tasty
Guns n’ WankersFor Dancing and Listening
GuttermouthFull Length LP
GZABeneath the Surface
GZALiquid Swords
Halo Benders, TheThe Rebels Not In
Hamilton, AnthonyComin’ From Where I’m From
Hard Corps, TheDef Before Dishonor
Harper, BenPleasure + Pain
Harper, BenThe Will to Live
Harper, BenWelcome to the Cruel World
Harvey, PJUh Huh Her
Harvey, PJTo Bring You My Love
Harvey, PJDry
Harvey, PJRid Of Me
Harvey, PJStories From the City, Stories From the Sea
Harvey, PJIs This Desire?
Hatfield, JulianaBed
HaywoodWe Are Amatuers, You and I
HaywoodMen Called Him Mister
HazelToreador of Love
HazelAre You Going to Eat That
HeatmiserMic City Songs
HeatmiserCop and Speeder
HeatmiserDead Air
Heavy D and the BoyzBig Tyme
HefnerWe Love the City
Hellacopters, TheHigh Visibility
HelmetStrap It On
Hendrix, Jimi:Blues
Hendrix, JimiThe Essential Jimi Hendrix
Hendrix, JimiValleys of Neptune
Hey MercedesEverynight Fire Works
Hey MercedesHey Mercedes EP
Hives, TheVeni Vidi Vicious
Hives, TheBarely Legal
Hoge, WillBlackbird On a Lonely Wire
Hold Steady, TheAlmost Killed Me
Hold Steady, TheHeaven Is Whenever
HoleCelebrity Skin
HoleLive Through This
Honeydrippers, TheVolume One
HoobastankThe Reason
Hot Chelle RaeLovesick Electric
Hot Chelle RaeWhatever
Hot ChipComing On Strong
Hot Hot HeatKnock Knock Knock
Hot Hot HeatMake Up the Breakdown
Hot SnakesAutomatic Midnight
Hot SnakesSuicide Invoice
Hot Water MusicFuel for the Hate Game
House of PainHouse of Pain
HuffamooseWe’ve Been Had Again
HugoOld Tyme Religion
HumYou’d Prefer an Astronaut
Hundred HandsLittle Eyes
I Mother EarthDig
Ice CubeDeath Certificate
Ice CubeKill At Will
Ice CubePredator
Ice CubeLethal Injection
Ice-TO.G. Original Gangster
Iha, JamesLet It Come Down
Ima RobotIma Robot
IncubusMorning View
IncubusA Crow Left of the Murder…
IncubusIf Not Now, When?
Indigo GirlsIndigo Girls
Infectious GroovesThe Plague That Makes Your Booty Move… It’s The Infectious Grooves
InterpolTurn on the Bright Lights
InterpolOur Love to Admire
Interpreters, TheBack In the U.S.S.A.
Interrupters, TheSay It Out Loud
Inward EyeThrowing Bricks Instead of Kisses
INXSGreatest Hits
Ivory CoastThe Rush Of Ongoing Traffic
Ja RuleBlood In My Eye
Jackson, JoeGreatest Hits
Jackson, MichaelMichael
Jackson, MichaelHistory
Jam, TheThe Very Best of
James, EttaThe Gold Collection
Jane’s AddictionRitual de lo Habitual
Jane’s AddictionNothing’s Shocking
JawboxFor Your Own Special Sweetheart
Jawbreaker24 Hour Revenge Therapy
JawbreakerDear You
Jay-ZVol. 2… Hard Knock Life
Jay-ZThe Blueprint
Jay-ZThe Black Album
Jean, WyclefCarnival Vol. II Memoirs of an Immigrant
JebediahOf Someday Shambles
JebediahSlightly Odway
Jensen, JaneComic Book Whore
Jets to BrazilPerfecting Lonliness
Jett, Joan and the BlackheartsGood Music
Jimmy Eat WorldBleed American
Joel, BillyGreatest Hits Volume 1
Joel, BillyGreatest Hits Volume 2
John Parish & Polly Jean HarveyDance Hall at Louse Point
John, EltonOne Night Only The Greatist Hits
Johnson, RobertThe Centennial Collection
Johnson,MikeYear of Mondays
Johnston, DanielFun
Johnston, FreedyBlue Days Black Nights
Jones, JimPray IV Reign
JoshuaWhole New Theory
JourneyGreatest Hits
Jr. HighKiller of Friendships
Judas PriestAngel of Retribution
Juliana Hatfield Three, TheBecome What You Are
Jungle BrothersJbeez Wit the Remedy
Jungle BrothersStraight Out the Jungle
Jungle BrothersDone By the Forces of Nature
Jurassic 5Quality Control
Jurassic 5Jurassic 5 EP
Jurassic 5Power In Numbers
K-SoloTimes Up
K.M.D.Mr. Hood
K.M.D.Black Bastards
KarateThe Bed Is In the Ocean
KarateIn Place of Real Insight
KeaneHopes and Fears
Keys, AliciaAs I Am
Keys, AliciaThe Element of Freedom
Kid CapriThe Tape
Kid RockGrits Sandwiches for Breakfast
Kill CreekColors of Home
Kill CreekProving Winter Cruel
KilldozerFor Ladies Only
Killers, TheHot Fuss
King GeedorahTake Me to Your Leader
Kings of LeonBecause of the Times
Kings of LeonOnly By Night
Kings of LeonCome Around Sundown
Kool KeithBlack Elvis/Lost In Space
KornTake a Look In the Mirror
KoufaxSocial Life
KoufaxIt Had to Do With Love
Kurosky, MilesThe Desert of Shallow Effects
Kweli, TalibQuality
Kweller, BenOn My Way
L.L. Cool JBigger and Deffer
L.L. Cool JMama Said Knock You Out
L.L. Cool JWalking With a Panther
L.L. Cool J10 Shots to the Dome
L.L. Cool JThe Definition
L.L. Cool JG.O.A.T.
La’s, TheThe La’s
Lady SovereignVertically Challenged
Lambert, AdamFor Your Entertainment
Lanegan, MarkWhiskey for the Holy Ghost
Lanegan, MarkThe Winding Sheet
Le TigreLe Tigre
Leaders of the New SchoolA Future Without a Past
Led ZeppelinIV
Led ZeppelinII
Lee, BenBreathing Tornados
Lee, BenSomething to Remember Me By
Lee, BenHey You, Yes You
Lee, BenGrandpaw Would
Legend, JohnEvovler
Legend, JohnWake Up!
Legend, JohnGet Lifted
Lekman, JensOh You’re So Silent Jens
LemonheadsHate Your Friends
LenYou Can’t Stop the Bum Rush
Lench Mob, DaGuerillas in tha Mist
Lennon, SeanInto the Sun
Leo, Ted and the PharmacistsThe Tyranny of Distance
Leo, Ted and the PharmacistsRX/Pharmacists
Leo, Ted and the PharmacistsShake the Sheets
Leo, Ted and the PharmacistsTell Ballgeary, Balgury is Dead
Leo, Ted and the PharmacistsHearts of Oak
Les Savy FavGo Forth
Les Savy FavInches
Les Savy FavThe Cat and the Cobra
Les Savy Fav3/5
Les Savy FavRome (Written Upside Down)
Letter KillsThe Bridge
Letters to CleoAurora Gory Alice
LiarsThey Threw Us In a Trench And Stuck a Monument On Top
Libertines, TheThe Libertines
Libertines, TheUp the Bracket
Lifter PullerFiestas + Fiascos
Lightspeed ChampionLife Is Sweet! Nice to Meet You.
LimbomaniacsStinky Grooves
Limp BizkitThree Dollar Bill Y’All
Liquid JesusLive
Liquid JesusPour In the Sky
LitA Place In the Sun
Little WingsWonderue
LiveThrowing Copper
LiveThe Distance to Here
LiveMental Jewelry
Lo Fidelity AllstarsDon’t Be Afraid of Love
LongwaveThere’s a Fire
Lords of the UndergroundHere Come the Lords
Love & RocketsExpress
Love As LaughterSea to Shining Sea
Love As LaughterHoly
Love NutBastards of Melody
Love, CourtneyAmerica’s Sweetheart
Lovett, LyleI Love Everybody
LowSecret Name
Low & Sweet OrchestraGoodbye to All That
Low Pop SuicideThe Disengagement EP
Lucy BrownLucy Brown
Lucy’s Fur CoatJaundice
Lupe FiascoFood & Liquor
Luscious JacksonFever In Fever Out
Luscious JacksonIn Search of Manny
Lynne, ShelbyLove, Shelby
Mad SeasonAbove
Madder RoseTragicmagic
MadnessTotal Madness
Maggie’s DreamMaggie’s Dream
Magic Magicians, TheThe Magic Magicians
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Magnetic Fields69 Love Songs Vol. 1
Main SourceBreaking Atoms
MakaveliThe Don Killuminati
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Malkmus, StephenPig Lib
Malkmus, StephenFace the Truth
Manchester OrchestraSimple Math
Manchester OrchestraI’m Like a Virgin Losing a Child
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Mann, AimeeBachelor No. 2
Margot & tne Nuclear So and SosAnimal!
Margot & tne Nuclear So and SosNot Animal
Margot & tne Nuclear So and SosThe Daytrotter Sesions EP
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Marley, Bob & the WailersRastaman Vibration
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Marley, Bob & the WailersLive!
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Marley, Bob & the WailersNatural Mystic
Marley, Bob & the WailersLegend
Marley, Bob & the WailersBabylon by Bus
Mars Volta, TheTremulant EP
Martsch, DougNow You Know
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Matt Pond PAThe Green Fury
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McLachlan, SarahLaws of Illusion
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McLuskyMcLusky Do Dallas
Meat Beat ManisfestoOriginal Fire
Meat PuppetsNo Strings Attached
Meego, WalterThrough a Keyhole Tour EP
Merchant, NatalieOpehlia
Mercury RevYerself Is Steam
Mercury RevDeserter’s Songs
Meters, TheGood Old Funky Music
Meters, TheLook-Ka Py Py
Method ManTical 0: The Prequel
Method ManTical
Method Man & RedmanBlackout!
MewNo More Stories Are Told Today I’m Sorry…
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MGMTOracular Spectacular
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Mighty Mighty Bosstones, TheLet’s Face It
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Minders, TheDown In Fall EP
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MineralThe Power of Failing.
Minus the BearHighly Refined Pirates
MinutemenDouble Nickles on the Dime
Mk UltraOriginal Motion Picture Soundtrack
Mk UltraThe Dream Is Over
Mk UltraMk Ultra
Modest MouseGood News for People Who Love Bad News
Modest MouseThe Moon & Antarctica
Modest MouseThe Lonesome Crowded West
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Modest MouseBuilding Something Out of Nothing
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Monk, TheloniousMonk’s Music
Mooney Suzuki, ThePeople Get Ready
Mooney Suzuki, TheElectric Sweat
MoonshakeThe Sound Your Eyes Can Follow
Morisette, AlanisJagged Little Pill
MorphineLike Swimming
MorphineCure for Pain
Morrison, TravisTravistan
Morrison, Travis HellfightersAll Y’All
MorrisseyVauxhall and I
MorrisseyBona Drag
MorrisseyYou Are the Quarry
MorrisseyMy Early Burglary Years
MothProvisions, Fiction and Gear
Mother Love BoneApple
Motion City SoundtrackMy Dinosaur Life
Mr. LifI Phantom
Mr. T Experience, TheRevenge Is Sweet and So Are You
Mraz, JasonWaiting For My Rocket to Come
Mraz, JasonMr. A-Z
Mucky PupAct of Faith
Muffs, TheThe Muffs
Muffs, TheBlonde and Blonder
Muffs, TheHappy Birthday to Me
MuleIf I Don’t Six
Murphy’s LawThe Best of Times
Murray, KeithHe’s Keith Murray
MuseOrigin Of Symmetry
MXPXLife In General
My Bloody ValentineLoveless
My Morning JacketIt Still Moves
N.O.R.E.God’s Favorite
N.W.A.Straight Outta Compton
Nada SurfLet Go
NasHip Hop Is Dead
National, TheHigh Violet
Natural History, TheBeat Beat Heartbeat
Naughty By NatureNaughty By Nature
NellyCountry Grammar
NellyDa Dirty Versions
Nelson, WillieMilk Cow Blues
Nerf HerderNerf Herder
Neutral Milk HotelOn Avery Island
Neutral Milk HotelIn the Aeroplane Over the Sea
New Amsterdams, TheNever You Mind
New Amsterdams, ThePara Toda Vida
New Deal, TheThe New Deal
New End OriginalThriller
New Found Glory, ANothing Good Can Stay
New PoliticsNew Politics
New Pornographers, TheTwin Cinema
New Pornographers, TheElectric Version
New Pornographers, TheMass Romantic
New Pornographers, TheTogether
New Year, TheNewness Ends
Newman, A.C.The Slow Wonder
NickelbackThe Long Road
Nightwatchmen, TheThe Fabled City
Nightwatchmen, TheOne Man Revolution
Nine Inch NailsThe Fragile (Halo_Fourteen)
Nine Inch NailsBroken
Nine Inch NailsThe Downward Spiral
NirvanaUnplugged In New York
NirvanaIn Utero
NirvanaFrom the Muddy Banks of the Wishkah
No DoubtTragic Kingdom
No DoubtNo Doubt
No DoubtThe Beacon Street Collection
No FaceWake Your Daughter Up
No. 2No Memory
NOFXPunk In Drublic
Noise AddictMeet the Real You
North of AmericaThe Sepultura
North of AmericaBrothers Sisters
Notorious B.I.G., TheGreatest Hits
Nutini, PaoloThese Streets
Oasis(What’s the Story) Morning Glory?
Odd FutureOF Tape Vol. 2
Of MontrealGay Parade
Of MontrealThe Sunlandic Twins
Offspring, TheIgnition
Offspring, TheAmericana
Offspring, TheRise and Fall, Rage and Grace
Oh LandOh Land
Ol’ Dirty BastardNigga Please
OleanderFebruary Son
Olivia Tremor Control, TheMusic From the Unrealized Film ‘Dusk at Cubist Castle’
Olivia Tremor Control, TheBlack Foliage: Animation Music
Olivia Tremor Control, TheSingles and Beyond
One TwelveHot & Wet
Operation IvyOperation Ivy
Orb, TheMetallic Spheres
Orbison, RoyThe Best of the Soul of Rock and Roll
Organized ConfusionKonfusion
Osborne, JoanRelish
Our Lady PeaceGravity
PalaceViva Last Blues
PaloaltoHeroes and Villains
Panda BearPerson Pitch
Paper LionsThe Symptom and the Sick
ParisThe Devil Made Me Do It
Paris, TexasParis, Texas EP
Paris, TexasSo You Think It’s Hot In Here?
Paris, TexasBrazilliant
ParliamentChocolate City
ParliamentUp for the Down Stroke
ParliamentThe Clones of Dr. Funkenstein
ParliamentMotor Booty Affair
ParliamentMothership Connection
PavementCrooked Rain Crooked Rain
PavementWatery, Domestic EP
PavementSpit On a Stranger EP
PavementWesting (by Musket and Sextant)
PavementTerror Twilight
PavementBrighten the Corners
PavementWowee Zowee
PavementSlanted and Enchanted
PavementSlanted and Enchanted Luxe & Reduxe
Pearl JamLive on Two Legs
Pearl JamYield
Pearl JamVs.
Pearl JamPearl Jam
Pearl JamVitology
Pearl JamLost Dogs
Pearl JamBinaural
Pearl JamTen
Pearl JamNo Code
Pearl JamLive at Benaroya Hall
Pearl JamRiot Act
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Pedro the LionControl
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Pedro the LionWinners Never Quit
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PennywiseUnknown Road
Pernice Brothers, TheYours, Mine & Ours
Pernice Brothers, TheThe World Won’t End
Petty, TomFull Moon Fever
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PhishA Picture of Nectar
Photon BandOh the Sweet Sweet Changes
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PinbackBlue Screen Life
Pinehurst KidsBleed It Dry
Pinehurst KidsViewmaster
PinkGreatest Hits… So Far!!!
Pink FloydThe Wall
Pink FloydThe Echoes
Pink Noise TestPlasticized
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PixiesCome On Pilgrim
PlugDrum ‘n’ Bass for Papa
Poi Dog PonderingVolo Volo
PolaraC’Est La Vie
Police, TheOutlandos d’Amour
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Police, TheGhost In the Machine
Police, TheReggatta de Blanc
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Pollard, RobertKid Marine
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Polonsky, JonnyThere Is Something Wrong With You EP
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PondRock Collection
PondThe Practice of Joy Before Death
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Poor Righteous TeachersHoly Intellect
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PortastaticThe Nature of Sap
PortastaticSlow Note from a Sinking Ship
PortastaticI Hope Your Heart is Not Brittle
Posner, Mike31 Minutes to Takeoff
Possum DixonPossum Dixon
Postal Service, TheGive Up
Poster ChildrenDaisy Chain Reaction
Poster ChildrenFlower Power
Prefuse 73Vocal Studies + Uprock Narratives
Presidents of United States of America, TheThe Presidents of United States of America
Preston School of IndustryAll This Sounds Gas
PretendersThe Singles
Pretty Girls Make GravesThe New Romance
Pretty Girls Make GravesGood Health
Primal ScreamScreamadelica
PrimusFrizzle Fry
PrimusPork Soda
PrimusTales From the Punchbowl
PrimusBrown Album
PrimusSuck On This
Prince PoThe Slickness
Prodigy, TheThe Fat of the Land
Promise Ring, TheWood/Water
Promise Ring, TheNothing Feels Good
Promise Ring, TheThe Horse Latitudes
Promise Ring, The30 Degrees Everywhere
Promise Ring, TheVery Emergency
Public EnemyCan’t Do Nuttin’ for Ya Man EP
Public EnemyIt Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back
Public EnemyFear of a Black Planet
Public EnemyApocalypse 91… The Enemy Strikes Back
Public EnemyYo! Bum Rush the Show
Public EnemyGreatest Misses
Puzzle GutPuzzle Gut
Q and Not UPower
Q and Not UDifferent Damage
Q and Not UNo Kill No Beep Beep
QuasiFeaturing Birds
QuasiEarly Recordings
QuasiHot Shit
QuasiR&B Transmogrification
QuasiSword of God
QuasiField Studies
Queen PenMy Melody
Queens of the Stone AgeSongs for the Deaf
R.E.MAutomatic for the People
Ra Ra RiotNeed Your Light
Radar Bros.Radar Bros.
Radio 4Gotham!
Radio 4The New Song and Dance
Radio 4Stealing of a Nation
RadioheadKid A
RadioheadPablo Honey
RadioheadOK Computer
RadioheadThe Bends
RadioheadHail to the Thief
Rainer MariaLook Now Look Again
Raitt, BonnieLuck of the Draw
Rakes, TheCapture/Release
RakimThe 18th Letter / The Book of Life
RamonesAll the Stuff (and More), Vol. 1
RamonesAll the Stuff (and More), Vol. 2
RancidLet’s Go
Rancid…And Out Come the Wolves
RancidLife Won’t Wait
RancidRancid 2000
Rapture, TheEchoes
Ravonettes, TheWhip It On
ReacharoundWho’s Tommy Cooper?
Red FiveFlash
Red Hot Chili Peppers, TheThe Abbey Road EP
Red Hot Chili Peppers, TheCalifornication
Red Hot Chili Peppers, TheFreaky Styley
Red Hot Chili Peppers, TheOne Hot Minute
Red Hot Chili Peppers, TheThe Uplift Mofo Party Plan
Red Hot Chili Peppers, TheMother’s Milk
Red Hot Chili Peppers, TheBlood Sugar Sex Magic
Red Hot Lover ToneRed Hot Lover Tone
Redhead Kingpin and the F.B.I.The Album With No Name
Redhead Kingpin and the F.B.I.A Shade of Red
RedmanWhut Thee Album
Reggie & The Full EffectUnder the Tray
Reggie & The Full EffectPromotional Copy
Reggie & The Full EffectReggie and the Full Effect: Greatest Hits 84-87
Rentals, TheReturn of The Rentals
Replacements, TheDon’t Tell a Soul
Replacements, ThePleased to Meet Me
Replacements, TheTim
Replacements, TheLet It Be
Replacements, TheAll Shook Down
Replacements, TheAll for Nothing / Nothing for All
Reverend Horton Heat, TheIt’s Martini Time
Rival SchoolsUnited By Fate
Rival SchoolsSplit EP
Robert Bradley’s Blackwater SurpriseTime To Discover
Rock Plaza CentralAre We Not Horses
Rocket From the CryptScream Dracula Scream!
Rolling Stones, TheExile On Main Street
Rolling Stones, TheHot Rocks 1
Ronson, Mark and the Business IntlRecord Collection
Ronstadt, LindaGreatest Hits – Vol II
Roots, TheGame Theory
RoseyDirty Child
Royal Crescent MobMidnight Rose’s
Rule 62Rule 62
RumpletilskinzWhat Is a Rumpletilskin?
RUN DMCGreatest Hits 1983-1991
RustyWake Me
Ruth RuthLaughing Gallery
Rye CoalitionOn Top
Rye CoalitionLipstick Game
Rye CoalitionHee Saw Dhuh Kaet
SadeThe Best of Sade
SadeSoldier of Love
Sahara Hot NightsKiss & Tell
Sahara HotnightsJennie Bomb
SalivaBack Into Your System
SalivaEvery Six Seconds
SalivaSurvival of the Sickest
SammyTales of Great Neck Glory
SausageRiddles Are Abound Tonight
Saves the DayStay What You Are
Saves the DayThrough Being Cool
Say AnythingSay Anything
ScarfaceThe Fix
ScatterbrainHere Comes Trouble
Schleprock(America’s) Dirty Little Secret
School of FishSchool of Fish
Screaming TreesDust
Screaming TreesUncle Anesthesia
Screaming TreesSweet Oblivion
Screaming TreesAnthology
SeamAre You Driving Me Crazy?
Sean Na-NaMy Majesty
Sean Na-NaDance ‘Til Your Baby is a Man
Sean Na-NaReturn of the Unicorn
SebadohSmash Your Head on the Punk Rock
SebadohThe Sebadoh
SebadohBubble & Scrape
Secret MachinesNow Here Is Nowhere
Serch, MCReturn of the Product
Setzer, Brian ’68 Comeback Special, TheIgnition!
Sexsmith, RonRon Sexsmith
Sexsmith, RonOther Songs
Sexsmith, RonBlue Boy
Shades ApartSave It.
ShawnnaWorth Tha Weight
She Wants RevengeShe Wants Revenge
ShinerThe Egg
Shins, TheChutes Too Narrow
Shins, TheWincing the Night Away
Shout Out LoudsHowl Howl Gaff Gaff
Shudder to ThinkPony Express Record
ShyneGodfather Buried Alive
SilkwormItalian Platinum
Silver JewsBright Flight
Silver JewsAmerican Water
Silver JewsStarlight Walker
Silver ScooterThe Blue Law
Silver ScooterThe Other Palm Springs
Silver ScooterOrleans Parish
Simon and GarfunkelSimon and Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits
Simon, PaulNegotiations and Love Songs, 1971-1986
Simple PlanNo Pads, No Helmets…Just Balls
SincolaCrash Landing in Teen Heaven
Single FrameWetheads Come Running
Sir Mix-A-LotMack Daddy
Size 14Size 14
Size, Roni & ReprazentNew Forms
Size, Roni & ReprazentIn the Møde
SkeletonesDr. Bones
SkiploaderFrom the Through String
SlayerGod Hates It All
Sleater-KinneyOne Beat
Sleater-KinneyCall the Doctor
Slick RickThe Great Adventures of Slick Rick
Slick RickThe Art of Storytelling
SlowlandsNever Was There a Town
Slum VillageDetroit Deli (A Taste of Detroit)
Sly and the Family StoneAnthology
Small 23True Zero Hook
Smart Went CrazyCon Art
Smart Went CrazyNow We’re Even
Smash MouthFush Yu Mang
Smashing PumpkinsThe Aeroplane Flies High [Box Set]
Smashing PumpkinsGish
Smashing PumpkinsPisces Iscariot
Smashing PumpkinsMachina II: The Friends and Enemies of Modern Music
Smashing PumpkinsMACHINA/The Machines of God
Smashing PumpkinsSiamese Dream
Smashing PumpkinsMellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
Smashing PumpkinsAdore
Smith, AliceFor Lovers, Dreamers & Me
Smith, ElliottXO
Smith, ElliottElliott Smith
Smith, ElliottEither/Or
Smiths, TheStrangeways, Here We Come
Smiths, TheSingles
Smiths, TheThe Queen Is Dead
Smiths, TheThe Smiths
Smiths, TheLouder Than Bombs
SmogKnock Knock
Sneaker PimpsBecoming X
Snoop Doggy DogDoggystyle
Songs: OhiaThe Lioness
Songs: OhiaAxxess & Ace
Songs: OhiaSongs: Ohia
Sonic YouthNurse
Sonic YouthDirty
Soul AsylumGrave Dancers Union
Soul CoughingIrresistible Bliss
Soul CoughingRuby Vroom
Soul CoughingEl Oso
Soul II SoulKeep On Movin’
SoulsBird Fish or Inbetween
Soundtrack of Our Lives, TheBehind the Music
Space MonkeysThe Daddy of Them All
SparklehorseIt’s a Wonderful Life
SpartaWiretap Scars
Spears, BritneyOops!… I Did It Again
Spears, BritneyCircus
Spencer, Jon Blues Explosion, TheThe Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
Spencer, Jon Blues Explosion, TheNow I Got Worry
Spencer, Jon Blues Explosion, TheAcme
Spin DoctorsPocket Full of Kryptonite
SpoonSoft Effects EP
SpoonLoveways EP
SpoonGirls Can Tell
SpoonKill the Moonlight
SpoonSeries of Sneaks
SpoonGa Ga Ga Ga Ga
SpoonGimme Fiction
Springsteen, BruceBorn to Run
Springsteen, BruceBorn in the U.S.A.
Springsteen, BruceMagic
Springsteen, BruceThe Rising
SprinklerMore Boy, Less Friend
Sprout, TobinLet’s Welcome the Circus People
Sprout, TobinCarnival Boy
Sprout, TobinMoonflower Plastic
Standard, TheWire Post to Wire
Starlight MintsThe Dream That Stuff Was Made Of
Starlight MintsBuilt On Squares
State RadioLet It Go
Stereo SkylineStuck On Repeat
Stevens, CatGreatest Hits
Stewart, RodSoulbook
Stills, TheLogic Will Break Your Heart
StingBring On the Night
StingNothing Like the Sun
StingThe Dream of the Blue Turtles
StingThe Soul Cages
StingTen Summoner’s Tales
Stinky Puffs, TheA Little Tiny Smelly Bit Of…
Stone Roses, TheThe Stone Roses
Stone Roses, TheThe Lost Demos
Stone SourStone Sour
Stone Temple PilotsNo. 4
Stone Temple PilotsCore
Stone Temple PilotsPurple
Streets, TheOriginal Pirate Material
Strokes, TheIs This It
Strokes, TheThe First Impressions of Earth
Strokes, TheRoom On Fire
Strummer, Joe & The MescalerosGlobal a Go-Go
Strummer, Joe & The MescalerosRockart and the X-Ray Style
Strummer, Joe & The MescalerosStreetcore
Sublime40oz. to Freedom
SubmarineKiss Me Till Your Ears Burn Off
SugarCopper Blue
SUM 41Does This Look Infected?
SUM 41Cross the T’s and Gouge the I’s
SUM 41All Killer No Filler
Sum 41Half Hour of Power
Sunday’s BestThe Californian
Sunny Day Real EstateDiary
Sunny Day Real EstateHow It Feels to be Something On
Sunny Day Real EstateThe Rising Tide
Sunny Day Real EstateLP2
Sunset RubdownRandom Spirit Lover
Sunset ValleyBoyscout Superhero
Sunset ValleyThe New Speed
Super Furry AnimalsFuzzy Logic
Super ModelIt Ain’t Pretty
SuperchunkHere’s to Shutting Up
SuperchunkOn the Mouth
SuperchunkIndoor Living
SuperchunkHello Hawk
SuperchunkNo Pocky for Kitty
SuperchunkIncidental Music 1991-95
SuperchunkHere’s Where the Strings Come In
SuperchunkCome Pick Me Up
SupergrassLife On Other Planets
Sweet, MatthewGirlfriend
Sweet, Matthew100% Fun
Sweet, MatthewBlue Sky On Mars
Sweet, MatthewSunshine Lies
Taking Back SundayTell All Your Friends
Talking HeadsTalking Heads ’77
Tapes n’ TapesThe Loon
Taylor, JamesJames Taylor’s Greatest Hits
Taylor, MikeFrom the Stars
TeddybearsSoft Machine
Temper Trap, TheConditions
Temple of the DogTemple of the Dog
Ten Foot PoleInsider
Texas Is the ReasonDo You Know Who You Are?
Texas Is the ReasonTexas Is the Reason EP
that dog.that dog.
Three FishThe Quiet Table
ThriceThe Artist In the Ambulance
Thunderbirds Are Now!Justamustache
ThursdayFull Collapse
ThursdayWar All the Time
Timberlake, JustinFuturesex/Lovesounds
Time, ThePandemonium
Ting Tings, TheWe Started Nothing
To My SurpriseTo My Surprise
Toad the Wet SprocketFear
Tokio HotelHumanoid
Tokyo Police ClubElephant Shell
Too ShortShort Dog’s In the House
Too ShortGreatest Hits
TrainMy Private Nation
TreepeopleSomething Vicious for Tomorrow/Time Whore
TreepeopleJust Kidding
Tribe Called Quest, ABeats, Rhymes and Life
Tribe Called Quest, AMidnight Marauders
Tribe Called Quest, AThe Low End Theory
Tribe Called Quest, APeople’s Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
Tribe Called Quest, AThe Love Movement
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Trynin, JenniferCockamamie
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U2Under a Blood Red Sky
U2The Joshua Tree
U2Achtung Baby
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Ultramagnetic MCsCritical Beatdown
Uncle Tupelo89/93: An Anthology
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Urban Dance SquadMental Floss for the Globe
Us3Hand On the Torch
Used, TheMaybe Memories
Vampire WeekendContra
Vanderslice, JohnTime Travel Is Lonely
Vanderslice, JohnLife and Death of an American Fourtracker
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Vanderslice, JohnPixel Revolt
Vanderslice, JohnCellar Door
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Velvet RevolverContraband
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Vents, TheVenus Again
VermontLiving Together
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Violent FemmesViolent Femmes
Vitt, EamonOld Wave New Ride
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W.K., AndrewI Get Wet
W.K., AndrewThe Wolf
Waits, TomSwordfishtrombones
Walkmen, TheEveryone Who Pretends to Like Me Is Gone
Wallflowers, TheBringing Down the Horse
Walt MinkBareback Ride
Watt, MikeBall-Hog or Tugboat
Watt, MikeContemplating the Engine Room
WaxWhat Else Can We Do
WCGhetto Heisman
We Are ScientistsWith Love & Squalor
WeezerWeezer [Green]
WeezerWeezer [Blue]
Weiland, Scott12 Bar Blues
West, KanyeLate Registration
West, KanyeThe College Dropout
WheatHope and Adams
WhiskeytownFaithless Street
White OctaveStyle No. 6312
White OctaveMenergy
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White Stripes, TheDe Stijl
White Stripes, TheElephant
White Stripes, TheThe White Stripes
White TrashWhite Trash
WilcoYankee Foxtrot Hotel
WilcoA Ghost Is Born
Wild LightAdult Nights
Wild Sweet OrangeWe Have Cause to be Uneasy
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WitchdoctorA S.W.A.T. Healin’ Ritual
Wolf ParadeApologies to the Queen Mary
Wreckx-n-EffectHard or Smooth
Wrens, TheThe Meadowlands
Wrens, TheSilver
Wrens, TheSeacaucus
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Yankovic, “Weird” AlGreatest Hits
YatsuraWe Are Yatsura
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Yeah Yeah YeahsShow Your Bones
Yeah Yeah YeahsYeah Yeah Yeahs EP
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Yo La TengoElectr-O-Pura
Yo La TengoPresident Yo La Tengo / New Wave Hot Dog
Yo La TengoSummer Sun
Yorn, PeteBack & Forth
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Young MCBrainstorm
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