The Police: Ghost in the Machine October 31, 2003This is The Police’s Use Your Illusion (Outlandos being their Appetite for Destruction and Zenyatta their Lies) as...
Death Cab for Cutie: Transatlanticism October 27, 2003It seems the time working with the relatively minimalist Postal Service project has given Ben Gibbard the swing-for-the-fences attitude...
The Shins: Chutes Too Narrow October 23, 2003Don’t let the cartoon crap on the cover fool you; this is no lightweight album. The Shins seem...
A Field Guide to the Urban Hipster October 15, 2003This is actually a pretty clever book. Set up almost as a scientific journal (but not really), the...
Old School October 14, 2003Are we supposed to pretend that Revenge of the Nerds and Animal Housenever existed? That seems to be what the makers of Old School are asking us to do. Maybe they're
A Thing (Or Two) About Curtis and Camilla October 1, 2003Trendy usually makes for bad books. They’re dated before they even come out. Authors mention name brand clothing...