Reacher: Seasons 1 & 2 March 26, 2024This is an absurd show. A giant, seemingly spectrum-adjacent drifter walks around solving crimes with scant, invisible evidence...
Hijack January 25, 2024There’s something about a show that can literally use a one-word verb as its title. One that summarizes...
Ahsoka: Season 1 January 9, 2024At what point am I too old for Star Wars? Not science fiction, mind, you, because sci-fi is...
The Lazarus Project: Season 1 September 10, 2023There is high-concept and then there is nonsense. And sometimes — like The Lazarus Project — there is something...
Andor: Season 1 January 21, 2023I feel like Rogue One is a criminally underrated film. Not even from a Star Wars perspective, but...
Banshee: Seasons 1 – 4 April 16, 2021While watching Banshee, I found myself asking this litany of questions on a fairly regular basis: Are we...
Hanna: Seasons 1 & 2 August 13, 2020This is a thing now. Making television series out of movies. I suppose it's actually been a thing for a while, but in a time when everyone is afraid of pitching anything