The Double April 28, 2024What an absolutely bizarre film this is. Luckily Bizarre is my middle name: Mr. Bizarre Hipster. Based on...
Dinosaur Jr.: Sweep It Into Space November 30, 2021Dinosaur Jr. have been with me longer than time itself. Or so it feels. Yet it feels kind...
Dinosaur Jr.: I Bet on Sky December 30, 2012One could almost call Dino Jr. prolific at this point. This, their third album in five years since...
J Mascis: Several Shades of Why March 17, 2011It’s funny to hear J Mascis in his other mode. His reflective, singer-songwriter mode where there isn’t even...
Dinosaur Jr. @ Bowery Ballroom January 19, 2010I finally got my chance, albeit twenty years late, to see the now two album deep reunited Dinosaur...
Dinosaur Jr.: Beyond January 5, 2008This thing brought me right back to the old days right out of the gate. Sure, J Mascis‘...
Dinosaur Jr.: Green Mind February 25, 2001This album was my constant companion for some tough months in college. It is an awesome album to...