Titus Andronicus: The Most Lamentable Tragedy August 26, 2015If Bruce Springsteen ever wrote an epic punk rock opera about his manic depression, this is exactly what...
HUMANS: Season 1 August 22, 2015Oh A. I., why do you haunt my life so? I feel like I mention that movie in...
True Detective: Season 2 August 13, 2015Oh Vince. Vince, Vince, Vince. You poor, poor man. To watch you stretch and struggle through this thick,...
Kool Keith / L’Orange: Time? Astonishing! August 12, 2015Even as I started this album I couldn’t remember if I was firing up an MF Doom or...
The Bone Clocks August 11, 2015I’ve been a fan of David Mitchell over the years. I loved his mystical sci-fi stuff (Cloud Atlas)...
Albert Hammond, Jr.: Momentary Masters August 8, 2015Once the pinnacle of hipster, this former Stroke has slipped mercilessly into the background. But that mercy is...
J.G. Melon – Greenwich Village August 5, 2015[CLOSED at this location] I was last at a J.G. Melon — obviously the original Upper East Side...
Edge of Tomorrow August 5, 2015There is something inherently amazing about Tom Cruise. He's the most insecure cocky guy on the face of the planet. At least that's how we see his characters play out