2001 ∙ James Ellroy ∙ 688 pgs
I’m assuming Ellroy’s editor was afraid to say anything to him, lest he be dragged behind James’ car or garroted with a length of piano wire. This is the only plausible explanation behind this repetitive, bloated piece of drek. There were times during my read that I swear I must have lost my place and read the same thing twice. No such luck. Ellroy repeats words and themes. He repeats dialogue and plot devices that didn’t work the first time you read them–five times ago. We get it: he dipped “slooooow” and went “deeeeep.” There are only so many times a character can “brace” something/someone and I swear one character had all his teeth knocked out of his head at least three times. My God, make it stop. Everyone is addicted to drugs. Everyone is addicted to sex. Everyone is for sale and has absolutely no allegiance to anyone. I wanted to put this book down, but I have this damn OCD thing where I have to finish books. Don’t waste your time reading this 670 pg./ 122 chapter behemoth–get a tan, ride a bike, watch paint dry…