I'd had Snowpiercer sitting in my queue for quite a while. It's so right up my alley I have no clue what was keeping me from firing it up. Maybe it was the fear that it
What in Christ is this show? I mean, it's kind of insane that this is allowed to exist in this universe — let alone the multiple universes through which our titular stars
Another monumental feat for the Hipster family. After our dinner-time binge of entirety of The Office we moved on to another popular NBC sitcom that is seemingly family
There are movies and then there are films that stay with you for days after you finish watching them. Sometimes it's because the thing is so damn good you just want to
No, this isn't THAT Steve Jobs movie. This is the other one with the dude from Dude, Where's My Car? Yeah, that guy. And while the "good" Steve Jobs movie is written by
This movie is such an amazingly over-engineered pile of crap, it's shocking that Danny Boyle didn't Alan Smithee the shit out of it. Like drown it in the bathtub and