All I seem to see these days are Ryan Gosling movies. Maybe it's his cut abs. Maybe it's coincidence. Or maybe he's 2011's Zach Galifianakis or Philip Seymour Hoffman
So I watched this one on the iPhone while in a waiting room in a hospital waiting for Ms. Hipster to get her gallbladder yanked. The room and situation were surreal, so
The first stumbling block here is the overly clumsy title. It's a book title, not a movie title. It doesn't roll off the tongue. It doesn't shorten to a nice concise two
This movie should have been called "Horniness," or, more appropriately, "Blech." There is, in fact, little to no happiness going on in this film. Instead there's a lot
This is what I would call a "quiet" movie. The tone and tenor never really changes throughout, there are no sharp edges, no abrupt turns and no conflict, really, beyond
You whiny biatch! But seriously, why do we need yet another biopic? I'm generally a huge hater when it comes to these feel good portrayals of historical or peculiar
This movie was a waste of time for everyone involved. It was like an ode to mediocrity and conventionalism. If there was a screenwriting program (which I believe there
Where to start? Well, I guess the beginning is the best place. First, we have an Adam Sandler movie that's as far away from your typical Adam Sandler movie as any movie
From its first beat, Magnolia is a complex work of both glorious fantasy and stupefying reality. Harry Nillson's "One," covered perfectly by Amy Mann rings that first