Label: Lex
Producer: Danger Mouse
Release Year: 2005
Listen: Spotify / Apple Music
I remember sitting in the parking lot of the Carl’s Jr. in Santa Monica in 1991 listening to K.M.D.’s Mr. Hood and thinking that these guys had something special going on. Flash forward like a million years and Zevlove X is now MF Doom and he and all his craziness (and a fatter sounding neck) started dropping albums with everyone but my dad, including this one with producer de jour, Danger Mouse. Pair that with the wackiness of Adult Swim, and you have the perfect mixture of goofy, thematic and just flat out rad. I can’t count the number of times I’ve listened to this album, but suffice it to say that ‘El Chupa Nibre’ would have been my wedding song had I married five years after I did. This is Danger Mouse’s wheelhouse, bringing Doom’s wacky monster movie sampling to a new, professional level and making all the other hip-hop out there sound like garbage. So says the lame white guy.