Label: DeSoto
Producer: J. Robbins
Release Year: 1999
Listen: Spotify / Apple Music
The only thing better than listening to this amazing album is hearing it live. Of course, with the breakup of The D Plan, you’ll only have that opportunity if have a way-back machine and an old Bowery Ballroom calendar. Filled with complicated beats and time signature changes, the songs also manage to be accessible, up-beat and ultimately danceable. It’s been said that this isn’t a good album to listen to in aggravating traffic or when you’re on the edge of a tension headache, but if you want real pop precision, fun lyrics and exposure to the first of its kind, genre-busting LP, then I couldn’t recommend it more. These guys made it okay for indie rock to be fun and danceable, while still maintaining a high level of technical skill and pop melodies.