I'm not sure why it is every movie I see these days has Ryan Gosling in it. First there was Drive. Then The Ides of March. And now this thing -- which I saw on a plane
It's clear right out of the gate that this ain't going to be your typical, slick Hollywood shoot 'em up. The bizarre 'Hanna' graphic used in the title sequence alone
All I seem to see these days are Ryan Gosling movies. Maybe it's his cut abs. Maybe it's coincidence. Or maybe he's 2011's Zach Galifianakis or Philip Seymour Hoffman
There are so many what-the-fuck moments in this movie it's almost impossible to count. Not since, I don't know, Pulp Fiction, have I been so mesmerized by the bizarreness
It is super-easy to fuck up when translating a Philip K. Dick book into a movie. I mean a lot of his stuff is kind of tailor-made (with some tweaks) for the big screen