
Bubble Lounge


Normally we don’t like to hang out in classy places, but we’ll make an exception for this “non-sneaker” establishment. Truth be told, we’re not quite sure what to make of the joint. If it were uptown, we’d think they were trying to attract the white-haired businessman, Waldorf Astoria crowd, but it’s TriBeCa location tells us something different. The first thing that catches your eye about this place is its eclectic, frou-frou, colonial-style decoration. It’s as if you just walked into some pretentious, WASPy, gay art dealer’s loft space. OK, that’s a horrible description, but the place has this Wizard of Oz “don’t look behind the red curtain” quality about it. Obviously the big thing here is champagne and sparkling wine. If you order an expensive enough bottle (and, boy do they get expensive), they’ll stick you on a couch and rope you off from all of the other riff-raff with a velvet rope (whatever). If you want some of the black, salty stuff (that’s caviar, you sick bastards), they have that too. Attitude? Very little, surprisingly. Prices? A little high for our taste. Despite its uniqueness and relative attractiveness, Bubble Lounge has never been crowded the few times we’ve been there. It seems less like a destination than a classy joint to take a date after an expensive TriBeCa dinner, and before hitting the Serta. [MF]