Closer to MSG you could not get. Obviously built to house pre-concert revelers and be-jerseyed Rangers fans, Bro Jimmy’s, the latest in the venerable chain, does it up in their typical southern trashy style, specializing in serving gut-busting dudes whose best days might have been never. The night I was here, the joint was packed with more light-colored jeans and worn college caps than I could even dare to count. Domestic beer flowed, tables were impossible to come by and the pre-Pearl Jam dorkfest was in full, friendly swing. The space itself is kind of awkward in terms of hanging out in a crowd, as it’s not as cavernous as some of the other locations. There looked to be an upstairs, but we could get nowhere near it. And for some reason this particular location feels more like a chain than any of them. Perhaps it’s the restaurant’s proximity to nasty-ass Penn Station, or its general newness, but this thing doesn’t really differentiate itself from your typical Chevy’s, Chilis or any other number of theme-ish type joints. I can’t really think of any other reason to be in this ‘hood unless seeing something at MSG, and this place will most likely be the first place groups plan to meet up. That said, the owners of the chain are brilliant for opening this location, but odds are you’ll have to fight for standing room if you’re ever here. [MF]
416 8th Ave.