Are you a cigar-chomping carnivore? Do you like your women in skirts and your bars made of wood and brass? Are you an old fashioned, clogged-artery troglodyte? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, then this classic steakhouse is for you. It’s as if some set designer was told to build your stereotypical steak place to be the setting for some sitcom about a gang of financial good old boys. Of course no set decorator could provide such delicious steaks and sides. The steak au poivre will burn the crap out of your mouth, but that peppery hunk of flesh will do you well for the next two days as a sandwich, or a kebab, or whatever. The onion rings and mashed potatoes are first class, and the waitstaff–while pushing the awesome sides just a little too hard–are very friendly and knowledgeable about the menu. There’s a prix fixed lunch deal during the week that gets you a steak and stuff for $19.99–hands down one of the best deals in the city. Although we find the idea of covering up a great steak with the taste of cigar quite repugnant, if you are so inclined, there’s a cigar room in the back where you can puff and puff until your uvula up and falls off. Yum. [MF]