
East 4th Street Bar


Hey, I have an idea! Let’s go to that bar. You know, that bar. The one down in the East Village. What the hell is the name of it? I think it’s on East 5th Street. No, wait. Maybe it’s on East 4th Street. Crap, I can’t remember, but I do like it there. It’s mellow and has a good jukebox and a good happy hour. The patrons are mostly Village locals and the occasional after-work straggler from Midtown looking to escape the suit set. There were a couple scary-as-hell lesbians playing the Duck Hunt game who looked more than a little perturbed when our drunk buddies took over the game when they went off to get change. Whew, if butch haircuts and chain wallets could kill! Aside from these grouches, the crowd and help were very laid-back and friendly. If it wasn’t so generically named, we’d be more apt to tell people to meet there, but the name just screams boring to us and to anyone else with a pulse. If you can get past all this, you’ve found yourself a decent after-work joint that will be sure to please even the most ardent bar snobs. [MF]

78-80 E 4th St.