There are certain bars out there that are only fun when you’re the one who brings the crowd. Solas is that kind of place. A bi-level lounge, Solas is a little too big to have much of a personality of its own. Sure the low-lighting and the separate rooms with different colored bulbs give the effect of two places in one, but the up-down, front-back setup also keeps it from having any sort of cohesive feel. Add in the fact that there are often rude, private party guests upstairs, and you get yet more confusion–unless, of course, you’re the rude party upstairs. The back of the upstairs section is available to rent out, but the problem is that the back section and the front section aren’t really all that separate. So you inevitably get some asshole blonde girl yelling at you because she thinks you’re going to order drinks on her party’s tab. Who the hell would do something like that? Well, I would after being yelled at like I’m a two-year-old. Thanks, Sally Jerkface for the Ketel One and soda and the round of Jack and Gingers for my buddies–you rock! [MF]
232 E 9th St.