Tuscan Square

Tuscan Square


Sandwiches as long as a baby’s arm–and almost as tasty. But like all baby-arm eaters, you’re gonna pay, and pay dearly. The amazing turkey and avocado sandwich is almost worth it, though. I’ve made myself ill at least twice trying to finish the whole thing. Their personal pizzas and specialty sandwiches (different concoctions on a rotating basis of some sort) are very tasty. Other people swear by their hot bar, as well as their you-pick-it gourmet salad bar. One pregnant co-worker swore the chocolate chip cookies not only kept her sane, but bore her a ”beautiful genius baby.” There looks to be an actual restaurant associated with this mostly take-out joint (in fact it’s up a set of Gone with the Windstairs), but I like to stick to eating at my desk like a jackass. Anyway, if I had to tack on a drink and tip to my nine dollar sandwich, I might as well file for bankruptcy now. [MF]

16 W 51st St.