


We don’t know how to explain it, but this place feels like home. OK, it feels like my home. The steel, glass and brick interior reminds me of any number of trendy L.A. restaurants I’ve been to. Thusly, this isn’t a heavy eating experience. It should be reserved for one of those nights that you just want to get together with some buddies at a loud, American food place. Choose from pierogis, mac ‘n cheese and garlic chicken, among other “delicacies.” None of it is that remarkable, but the place is nice and airy, with friendly waitstaff and prices that won’t break the bank. Think of it as a Julia Robert’s film: it’s nice to watch and stuff goes on that makes you smille, but, ultimately, nothing very weighty ever happens, and the experience fades like Kiefer Sutherland’s career. [MF]

798 9th Ave.