Everything to everyone. Isn’t that the old adage? What the hell is an adage anyway? And what kind of place serves muffins, gourmet sandwiches, cake and pizza? More and more places, so it seems. Why put all your eggs in one basket? Instead of Bagel Nosh, you can be Bread and Stuff on Bread with Cake and Ice Cream Too! Granted, you could be a little more subtle with the name, but you don’t want to paint yourself into a singular corner with a name like, say, Pizza Hut or Hot Dog on a Stick. Instead, like Teresa’s, you can throw everything against the wall and see what sticks. Ultimately this is a sandwich place, and can’t compete with the giant lunch smorgasbord joints with their sushi and football field sized salad bars, but if you’re going to do a few things, you might as well do them well. Their sandwiches-the turkey and brie in particular-are really pretty good. The pizza is not the worst in the world, and their bagels are passable with a Diet Coke and a hangover. The proximity to work certainly doesn’t hurt, but neither does the nice variety of choices and broad menu of stuff on bread. [MF]
51 W 51st St.