

[CLOSED] is now: North Square Lounge

We’ve never known anyone who stayed at the Washington Square Hotel, but if you wander downstairs and take a flight down to the basement, you will find what amounts to a pretty swell little restaurant and lounge. Decorated with some Klimpt mosaics and dark cherrywood looking accoutrements, C3 feels like a nice neighborhood restaurant, right in the middle of the tourist mess that is Greenwich Village. OK, so you may have to listen to the German guy next to you complain about the fact the restaurant dares to put CA wines on their list, but you may also enjoy some very tasty food that looks and tastes as though the chef actually cares about providing his customers with decent grub. The menu is eclectic to say the least, (on the French/American/Southwestern/Asian side) but everything is tasty and plentiful, despite the same German’s complaint that the spetzel was a little too spongy. [MF]

103 Waverly Pl.