
Do Hwa


Say wha? Oh those wacky Koreans and their monosyllabic names–what are we gonna do with them, right? All kidding aside, our friends from the East do love their barbeque. We’re not talking Giants Stadium, tailgating bbq, but the kind you make huddled at a little table, sweating your nuts off while waves of garlic hit you in the face. Honestly, shouldn’t the grub be cheaper if the customer has to cook it himself? We think so. I mean, isn’t going out to eat all an attempt to avoid staying in your sweatbox of an apartment, frying up some semi-spoiled product from Gristedes or D’Agostino? All my nonsense aside, this place takes that nice bridge between Asian and dark wood, modern design, and puts it all together to form the perfect minimalist Crate & Barrel aesthetic. Honestly, it’s not all as dreadful as I’m making it sound; it’s actually quite cool in here, with the sparse Communist–but cozy–space with its low lighting and glowing barbeque tables. My experimentation with Korean food extends about as far as my leap outside of the world of casual dress–I’m not necessarily opposed to it, only a bit scared and uncomfortable at the thought. Judging by my Korean friend’s grandmother’s breathe, I’m staying the hell away from kimchi and anything else that needs to be buried in the back yard for a season in order to ferment. I stick with the cooked meats, which essentially come out as more tender, tasty pieces of Philly cheese steak meat. Loving cheese steaks myself, this is a good thing, and completely satisfying in my book. The only issue, being the bottomless pit that I am, is the disappointment at the portion size for what you end up paying. The meat, if rolled into an actual full steak, would be the size of a baby fist. Now, I know Korean’s may be missing the alcohol synthesizing enzyme, but they certainly aren’t missing stomachs. So, what’s up? Regardless, this joint is a good time and is a perfect night to share with a couple couples over the glow of sizzling steak. Just Do Hwit. [MF]

55 Carmine St
(212) 414-1224