
Junior's Grand Central


I’ve had my issues in Grand Central of late, so the thought of giving anything in the place a positive review is going to be difficult for me. Despite my pissiness, I’m gonna go ahead and recommend Junior’s for the sheer reason that it’s nice to grab a burger and well done fries on a paper place every once in a while. This is one of those throwback joints that features characters in paper hats and Dr. Brown’s soda in the cooler. Our waiter had his patter down and entertained us endlessly with stories about God knows what. Did I mention the crispy fries? Yum. Apparently the real draw here is their famous cheesecake. I don’t make a regular habit of eating the heart-clogging dessert, but maybe I’ll come back on a special occasion for a taste. The only weird part about the place is its prominent location in the food court, making for a loud, zoo-like dining experience. Lack of privacy aside, this ain’t a bad place to grab some high-cholesterol grub before grabbing a train to wherever. [MF]

89 E 42nd St.