
P.D. O'Hurley's


Some might say P.D. stands for “pretty disappointing” or “poor decision,” but we here at The Survey think “positively dull” might be a more accurate guess. To be fair, though, we don’t feel like this joint pretends to be anything other than a place for corporate softball teams, slumming Upper West Siders and others who couldn’t get into the trendier places in the neighborhood. We can’t imagine anybody gets excited about a night out at O’Hurley’s, but maybe the so called “elegant dining room” (a claim made on their website to which we snort and raise our eyebrows in mock horror) keeps ’em coming back. On the other hand, the shepherd’s pie was unremarkable, and the surroundings afforded just enough ambiance to want to stick around to pay the check. [MF]

174 W 72nd St.