
Tenth Street Lounge


Despite this lounge’s velvet rope, $10 cover after 10:30PM and $6 bottled beers, it doesn’t draw the kind of clientele you would expect. With its cinderblock walls and high ceilings, one can just imagine the Camaro up on the hydraulic lift that must have been there five years ago. You would also imagine the place would be stuffed with bony models and greasy-haired guys in open-throated Prada shirts trolling around the candle-lit space — but you’d be mistaken. What appears to be a mostly bridge and tunnel crowd (although a more upscale b&t contingent than in those nasty UES bars) comes dressed for success, complete with gold chains, Cosby sweaters and enough cologne to kill an entire Vietnamese village. The patrons are predominately female earlier on in the evening, with the dudes swooping in later on. I guess they don’t mind paying $10 to stare at each other. [MF]

212 E 10th St.