Cosí, the sandwich of champions. Well, more like the sandwich of yuppies and worker bees. Granted, this location tries to be a little more “downtown,” concentrating more on the coffee house aspect than the pack ’em in Midtown mentality shown at some of their other locations. The space is rather large and sprawling, but with some cozier accommodations than your typical Cosí, and a lot of space to just hang out. The sandwiches don’t taste any different, though, which essentially means that the best part is the bread–and what bread it is. Crunchy and salty with a hint of olive oil, the stuff could make horse shit taste good. Add a little of their special vinaigrette and you’ll completely ignore the sub-standard deli meats (well, sub-standard when you’re being charged eight bucks a pop) and horrible menu lay-outs. On that note, figuring out what is available to put on your sandwich is like trying to find a title at The Strand Bookstore–jumbled, confusing and more challenging than it should be. This is certainly a step above your local deli, but for some these “designer” sandwiches lack the heart a real sandwich should have. [MF]