To call this place a dive is doing it a real disservice. It’s more like a comfortable studio apartment, really. Complete with board games, including Connect Four (pretty sneaky sis!), comfortable couches and a big fish tank, I’d be almost ready to move in if the price was right (and they left the bar taps). Lounging in this space are a mixture of neighborhood late-twenty-somethings and maybe some of their friends from the UES. Mellow and friendly, the place features real, live women who seem to love coming to places where they can sit on comfortable furniture and avoid plastic beer signs and drunk, jobless dudes–hint, hint, my single male friends. In fact, the night we were there, females actually outnumbered males by quite a large margin. Now those are some numbers that instantly earn an extra star–if we actually did that kind of ratings thing–in our book. The joint is cozy, inviting, neighborly and reasonably fun. Isn’t that why people go out in the first place? [MF]
101 W 75th St (bet Amsterdam & Columbus Ave.)