Sticking to the old East Village adage that naming your place after the street on which it’s located or the address where it resides is the best way to encourage local patronage and repeat business, First betrays its funky menu with its unoriginal name. Despite being rather limited, First’s menu consists of things like mini burgers, lollipop chicken wings and the two handed b.l.t. All of the food is traditionally American and pretty basic, but seems to provide some sort of kitschy twist. The day Mr. Hipster ate there, they were having a special Memorial Day BBQ platter that came with corn on the cob, potato/pasta salad, ribs, chicken, steak, watermelon and First’s famous s’mores desert. While this was actually a tasty, filling deal at $20.01, the rest of the menu seems a little pricey for what it is. Maybe we’re just not used to paying good money for stuff that doesn’t have a French or Italian name. First is also known for its “tiny tinis,” which are nothing more than martinis served in little glasses (they give you a little carafe with the extra booze to refill your little glass.) It’s kind of gimmicky and really doesn’t make much sense, but surveyors claim the martinis, that range in price from $7 for a small to $24 for a humongous, are quite tasty and really pack a punch. As is the case with many East Village establishments, pictures of the place make it look much more clean and shiny than it actually is, but the pseudo-Brazil, gothic copper look suits the area well, and probably makes for a good late night dining experience. We especially like the hanging spiked orb that seems to want to shoot out of the front of the restaurant like something out of Flash Gordon. [MF]