
Route 85a Bar


There ain’t no party like an East Village basement party cuz the East Village basement party don’t stop! Actually, you usually need people around to have a party. Also, partying in a basement just doesn’t have that frat appeal it once had. There’s something weird about going underground to go to a bar–something claustrophobic, something dank. Then you get down there and the walls are painted blood red, there are some freakish paintings on the walls, and music that could put Robin Williams to sleep. And then there’s the name. Why Route 85a? Isn’t that the road to Albany? Not exactly the road that inspires fun. One good thing about this joint is the fact that you won’t get squeezed out by beautiful people, polyester snobs or UES sweater-set girls. It’s what we like to call “lounge at your own pace.” The bartender is pleasant, the crowd is mellow and the DJ doesn’t take requests. Three good things–if you can take the light deprivation and somewhat haunted bomb shelter feeling of it all. [MF]

85 Avenue A