Maritime Lobby Bar

Maritime Lobby Bar


Geez. A sailor-themed bar in Chelsea? No way! Actually, it’s not at all as, um, queer as it sounds. Granted, the place does have the requisite super-dancing-queen dj turntable (which gladly lay dormant during our visit) that is the blight on most otherwise decent bars. And being a hotel bar, the drink prices were somewhere between outrageous and out-and-out battery. If I wanted a nine-dollar beer, I’d at least spend an extra twenty for a special treat (if you know what I’m saying). Gawd! Putting the gouging aside, this place is actually pretty pleasant. Located directly off the lobby of the Maritime Hotel, and essentially attached to an Italian restaurant of some kind, the nautical theme is more retro yacht than New England salty dog style. You won’t find the Gordon’s fisherman here by any means–except maybe on rubber fetish night. All in all, this joint is pretty cool, and makes for some good people watching. It does have a sort of time capsule quality about it that will remind you more of one of those romantic movies, and less of the Devo single you buried with your sixth grade class behind the parking lot of the school. Know you’re going to blow some cash, but be prepared to sink into the ambiance and shine of it all. [MF]

363 W 16th St.