Westway Diner

Westway Diner

Westway DinerI’ve had too many drunken diner experiences to count. I’ve recounted some of them here, but there’s always space for one more. My new drunk thing to order is buffalo burgers. Those big, hairy creatures sure are tasty! And Westway makes a good one, avoiding the freakish drying that tends to happen with the low-fat meat. In fact, it was Westway that really sold me on the quality of the ground up bison covered in melted cheese on a toasted sesame seed bun. Through my haze, I seem to recall a large, sprawling space filled with late-night diners. Like any diner worth its salt, Westway is bustling and loud and hectic. I mean, yeah, it’s just a diner, but try telling that to a starving drunk guy with a hankering for a burger and fries and a couple fins burning a hole in his pocket. [MF]

614 9th Ave.