
Yura on Madison


Muffins and shit do not a restaurant make. I debated (with myself) on more than one occasion whether or not to even include this place in The Survey, and I finally convinced myself that if this is to be a truly comprehensive list of places that serve food and drink in NYC that it must too comprise the borderline and/or questionable. I have very little recollection of this uptown version of its blue-haired cousin other than it’s the first place I found with bagels when walking down from Mount Sinai hospital the day after Hipster Jr. was born. Granted, I had been awake for about forty-eight hours at that point and those bagels might have well been the treasure of the Sierra Madre. This place is really nothing more than a takeout bakery with that funky French patisserie styling, but apparently it’s the only joint in the entire area in which to get baked goods on a Sunday morning. So if you just had a baby, haven’t slept in like two days, are on the waaaay Upper East Side and are craving carbs smeared with fat, then we can whole heartedly recommend this as the place to go. [MF]

1292 Madison Ave.