Gemini Lounge


Certainly the strangest candidate on the velvet rope tour, Gemini Lounge loves to think of itself as an exclusive club, but more times than not ends up half-empty and full of people who couldn’t get into a real velvet rope club if their lives depended on it. Equipped with big bouncers with headphones and a guest list, you will feel as though you are trying to get into the Roxbury with those dudes from Saturday Night Live. Truth be told, the place is usually booked for private parties and the bouncers pretend that the club is exclusive, when in fact the guest list is just made up of people who either paid for the party, or were called in ahead of time. If you are so lucky to be invited to some sort of shindig there, the place is actually not half bad, with a DJ who spins old school rap, disco and general dance music. The drinks are a little puny and on the expensive side, but if you go there loaded a good time can be had by all. [MF]

221 2nd Ave. (bet. 13th & 14th St.)