
We aren’t snobs here at Mr. Hipster survey. We’ll review just about anything if they serve food or ply us with liquor. Those of you out there who haven’t had a Domino’s pizza are either lactose intolerant or never got high in high school. To this day the smell of pineapple and Canadian bacon brings back foggy memories of an LA poolhouse and a very life-like mannequin… but that’s a different story. Anyway, despite Domino’s being a franchise operation, you can basically expect the same thing at every store–semi-limp pizza with semi-spicy sauce, soft dough, very evenly spaced toppings (we think there’s a school where employees are graded on their pepperoni spacing), and quick delivery–although not as quick as it used to be. This isn’t gourmet pizza by any stretch of the imagination, but sometimes that hunger for nostalgia and heartburn comes together in a moment of absolute clarity and your buds just want to cry out, “Domino muthafucker!” [MF]

200 E 89th St. (at 2nd Ave.)