We don’t know what it is, but this is one of those places where you are convinced that the bouncer is going to toss you out on your head at any moment for not being cool enough. All this despite the fact he smiled and said hello at the door the same way he did to the six-foot Asian women in the $2,000 skirt (okay, maybe not the exact same way). Entering Orchard Bar gives you this sense that you have somehow walked into a botanical dream. Maybe it’s the eerie green glow emanating from the unmarked entrance, or the mostly empty fish tanks built into some of the walls. Maybe it’s the high ceilings, the narrow space, and the trip-hop being spun by the DJ. Maybe we’re just high off of all the TIGI hair-product fumes. Regardless of the reason, this place packs ’em in, and serves up the goods. It’s actually a much friendlier place than you’d think it would be, and the drinks are more reasonable than any other place with such a high wanna-be model quotient. For those of you who enjoy people watching, this is a great place to plant yourself for a couple hours, suck down some strong drinks, enjoy the occasional burst of old-school hip-hop and pretend if just for one night that you are one of the beautiful people. [MF]
200 Orchard St.