
Luigi's Pizza


There really is no such thing as a light meal at Luigi’s. Even things that purport to be salads are loaded with heavy pieces of fried chicken and oil that you’d swear leaked straight out of the Exxon Valdes. On top of being calorically colossal, the dishes themselves are enormous. The chicken parmesan hero might as well be a pterodactyl smothered in a pound of oozing cheese. The chicken roll is like something out of a Monty Python movie. With their rib-busting girth comes larger than normal process, as the chicken roll tops out at over six bucks. The restaurant itself is your basic pizza take-out joint with some great murals of the Italian countryside to make you forget you’re actually eating lunch on while a bum stares at you through the plate glass window on 8th Ave. While Luigi’s has been known to inspire amazing heart-burn, and draw “so-so” comments on taste, you really can’t do better if you’re looking for that mid-afternoon food coma. [MF]

910 8th Ave.