Kings’ Carriage House

Kings' Carriage House

Kings' Carriage HouseConsistently noted as one of Manhattan’s most romantic restaurants, Kings’ Carriage House is the perfect place to pop the question, spend a nice Valentine’s Day or impress a date with your European flair. Housed inside an old brownstone, the restaurant feels more like visiting Lord Poofypants’ exclusive country residence in the English countryside somewhere. Complete with stag heads on the wall, bizarre old-fashioned paintings and a cool red-walled room upstairs, this restaurant will take you away from Manhattan for a night and transplant you in the world of crooked-teethed and tea-tottling imperialists (it’s much more pleasant than it sounds.) The food, on the whole, isn’t overly remarkable, but it is decent. From our experience, there is basically one pork, lamb, chicken, beef and fish dish available, usually prepared in a nice English/French, continental style. The restaurant serves a prix fixed menu every night that will run you about $39. Tack on a bottle of wine, and you’re not talking about a cheap meal, but you’ll save at least six or seven hundred dollars on the airline tickets to England. [MF]

251 E 82nd St.