
Oxford Cafe


Patisserie? Bistro? Let’s call this place what it is; a sandwich and salad place. Yes, it’s another in a long line of non-descript lunch places that try to be everything to everyone. Granted, some are nicer than others, and this place has a certain touch of class that you won’t find in some of the others. What that means, I’m not quite sure, as more likely than not, you’re just ducking in to grab a panini or slice of cake between meetings. The whole attempts at making the place seem classy, with its wood and chandeliers, is kind of lost on those who have nothing on their mind other than “who the hell can get me something that I can shove in my pie hole–and fast?!” You could honestly take a chicken sandwich from any of these joints, and you wouldn’t be able to tell one from another–and you most certainly won’t taste the brass railings or pleasing color pallet. That said, Oxford is completely passable, and certainly decent for a quick lunch, but you’re definitely not going to be screaming their praises to the masses, or selling all of your worldly possessions to buy the franchise rights. [MF]

375 5th Ave.